RoboCrawler Kit ( $125.00 )​




Raspberry Pi 2 Upgade Special for Philo Junior
( $149.00 )

Run programs on Intel Edison controller using the camera to play motion on the Philo Junior.

Develop c/c++ program or python scripts to send a pose or key command to the robot to play a pre-programmed motion, using the SDK.

Includes SDK, Edison-edition software, 3D body upgrade parts, camera harness with pan & tilt servos. (Edison controller and camera not included)

User can develop C# programs for the robot using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 express (free download)

With the Kinect API and the Kinect Edition sample program, the robot can follow the user movement through the Kinect sensor.

Required Robophilo SDK, Kinect sensor

Add foot weight to the Robophilo 

Includes 4 pieces of weight. It can add more stability to your robot motions

Kinect Edition for Robophilo  ( $25.00 )​

Robophilo Foot Wight Kit ( $12.00 )​

Use ATmega32 with 8KB flash for more than 300 user motions, up to 12 servo channels and 20 I/O interface for add on hardware.

Includes 10 servos, PS2 remote and motion software to create your own motion and share with others

User can develop C programs for the robot using ATMEL winvar c compiler (free download)

The SDK provides API for interrupt handler, IO PORT, Servo Pose, Handheld remote interface

User can add function to interface with the added hardware.

With the SDK, User can program the robot to perform the routines created by the GUI or move to a specify Pose, building an autonomous robot.

Add a ps2 remote to the Robophilo for better control and response indoors and outdoors.

Controls up to 116 motions with the button combinations and 3D arms motions in real time with the joysticks

Includes ps2 support software and reference motion files

Run programs on Raspberry Pi 2 controller using the camera to play motion on the Philo Junior.

Develop c/c++ program or python scripts to send a pose or key command to the robot to play a pre-programmed motion, using the SDK.

Includes SDK, Pi-edition software, 3D body upgrade parts, camera harness with pan & tilt servos. (Raspberry Pi 2 controller and camera not included)

SDK for Robophilo   ( $99.00 )​

SDK for Philo Junior ( $99.00 )

Pre-assembled Gripper ( $40.00 )
Gripper Kit                     ​( $39.00 )

For California Customer, apply coupon "CA-DISCOUNT" for tax discount

Philo Junior RTW ( $249.00 )
Philo Junior Kit     ​( $199.00 )

Use ATmega32 with 8KB flash for more than 300 user motions, up to 12 servo channels and 20 I/O interface for add on hardware.

Includes 8 servos, InfraRed remote and motion software to create your own motion and share with others

Add a gripper to the Robophilo 

Includes 2 servos, gripper harness, gripper support software and reference motion files for hand standing and writing

Intel Edison Upgade Special for Philo Junior
​( $149.00 )

Robophilo RTW ( $499.00 )
Robophilo Kit     ​( $399.00 )

PS2 wireless remote  ( $49.00 )​

Use ATmega32 with 8KB flash for more than 300 user motions, up to 24 servo channels and 8 I/O interface for add on hardware.

Includes 20 servos, InfraRed remote and motion software to create your own motion and share with others